Law Office of Michael H. Joseph, PLLC

June 2015 Recap

Jun 28, 2015 @ 06:35 AM — by Michael Joseph
Tagged with: This Weeks Accident News And The Law

A car accident fatality occurred this morning when a Bronx man was killed in a multi-vehicle accident. The decedent attempted to drive between a vehicles which was stopped for a red light, and another=, which was parked at the corner. All too often careless driving can have tragic results. In this case, the accident was the decedent’s fault, but our New York City wrongful death lawyers know all too well the price an innocent victim can pay because of another’s carelessness.

In another tragic accident, a retired New York City police officer died in a fiery crash yesterday in Long Island. The accident happened perhaps due to negligent repair and maintenance of the vehicle. The cause of the accident was the rear driver’s side wheel came off and the driver lost control of his jeep, which overturned and caught.The decedent’s family should look into whether any recent tire work was done, and it seems probable that the wheel was not properly secured, which lead to the accident.

In an attempt to reduce police shooting victims, the Governor of New York has appointed the Attorney General to conduct a probe of police shootings. Our police shooting lawyers applaud this probe as too many victims have lost their lives because of over zealous trigger happy cops during encounters for petty offenses or for actions which really aren’t criminal in the first place.

Our personal injury lawyers have handled many cases involving assaults by bar, club and other nightlife bouncers and security and know how lawless and dangerous these places can be. Despite the responsibility to keep its patrons safe, these bars often allow a wild atmosphere because it brings in money. This week the New York State liquor authority closed 10ak. The Administrative Law Judge found numerous incidents in which security did not control rowdy patrons and the bar flouted the law. In two cases that could have turned the bar into a deathtrap, one exit was locked and another obstructed by metal barriers. Security was unable to control patrons when a fight started inside the club and spilled onto the sidewalk outside. The Judge found that such failures to maintain order speaks poorly to the ability to protect the welfare of club patrons as well as the public at large,